Full Master Trainer Package
Custom combination of Personal Training, Nutrition, MAT & more to fit your goals
Service Description
Custom combination of Personal Training, Nutrition, MAT, Mobility and Immune system strengthening that is created especially for you and your current limitations. Because this is such a custom service, we recommend booking a private consultation prior to starting. However, if you know exactly what your goals are, the timeline in which you'd like to achieve these goals, and the frequency of your personal training you're interested in, please email these to info@theglobalfitclub.com so that a representative can book you in and go over payment options. The pricing breakdown is as follows for 1 on 1 private session: 1x/week: $120/session 2x/week: $110/session 3x/week: $100/session All prices include custom nutrition and rehabilitation services, this includes virtual training as well. If you would like to train with a partner, please reach out to the email above with the inquiry, or contact our office at +1-438-523-5457. We understand that everyone is experiencing difficult economic times, which is why we have our online membership option. This online program includes nutrition, muscle building, fat loss and anything else that we would include in our personal training packages together. This is done on your own from the comfort of your own home. The online membership is only $49.99, and this more affordable option still yields fantastic results! Our team is with you every step of the way for questions, if you'd like to learn more about the online membership program please visit www.lymetoprime.com.
Contact Details
Global Fit Company - World Renowned Trainers, Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada